Summer fields - work in progress
Copyright Nithya Swaminathan
The pictures from left to right depict the steps 1 to 3 in my first painting. I have done the sketching very roughly, washed it with a very watery burnt sienna. Then using a combination of burnt sienna and black, I have added the shadows. In the next step, I have completed the dead layer. The dead layer could be done even more detailed, but I have stopped it here and I will begin to add color next.
It was completely new to me, to refer to a greyscale of my image and do it completely in black and white. I enjoyed it, though it was quite time consuming. I hope it will not be as time consuming if I get used to the technique.
I would recommend visiting the blog of Mark Woodland, who does amazingly realistic works using this approach. The virtual classroom was conducted by him and that's what inspired me to try this. I will fetch the link to that thread and update this post later.
I set up a still life with a whole apple, a sliced apple and a glass of apple juice. There was some sharp sunlight, and the reflections were in all their glory. In my previous series with the Oranges and Glass bottle, my canvasses had a lot of empty space. This time around I tried to fill up the canvas as much as I could. So I opted for closer crops, and also included some fabric to create an interest to the viewer. it was also my first experiment with the square format.
Click on each image to see the corresponding blog posts and works in progress. In the post for each painting, I have included a work in progress image, that shows the complete transition of the painting from underpainting to signature. Hope you enjoy it and find it useful. All your feedback is welcome.
This gallery by the way was very easily put together by Windows Live Writer. It rocks!
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Apples and Glass #8,
Acrylics on Canvas, 18 * 24 cms,
Copyright Nithya Swaminathan
I will put up a gallery of all the apple pieces together soon. In the meantime, your feedback is welcome on this one, and the series as a whole. As in the previous pieces, I have put together the various stages the painting has gone through. It might be of interest to you, enjoy. Click on the image for a better view.
Apples and Glass # 8 - Work in progress
Copyright Nithya Swaminathan
This is the last update before I post the completed image, I promise. With this piece, we are done with apples for a while. Until my obsession begins to show its face again. This one’s a rather boring arrangement compared to all the previous ones. There are no folds in the fabric, no complex reflections etc. However, the shadows are very interesting in this one. The fruits are almost entirely in the shadow, and it helps me experiment a lot with color. I have already used a lot of blues and greens in this, and I will use more of them as I go further. I love deciphering colors in shadows, it is absolutely exciting.
In all probability, I will complete this one tomorrow, and then later this week, I will post all the 8 pieces together. That will be interesting, I hope. Stay tuned.
Apples and Glass #7
Acrylics on Canvas, 18 * 24 cms,
Copyright Nithya Swaminathan
I am quite pleased with this one, I tried a different arrangement of the fabric from the previous ones. The glass was also a nightmare in this piece. Took me a lot of time, even though I had done SIX similar glasses before! I am happy with how it has turned out. Please have a look at the work in progress below, from start to finish. Click on the image for a better view.
Apples and Glass #7 - Work in progress
Copyright Nithya Swaminathan
Your comments are welcome.
Apples and Glass #6
18 * 24 cms, Acrylics on Canvas
Copyright Nithya Swaminathan
Since it is easier to see the work in progress in one shot than to navigate through separate posts to see the various stages of the painting. So, I have put together the work in progress, please have a look. I could take the maximum number of pictures in this piece, so it shows the transition quite nicely I must add. Click on the image for a better view.
Apples and Glass #6 - work in progress
Copyright Nithya Swaminathan
Apples and Glass #5
8 * 8 inches, Acrylics on Canvas
Copyright Nithya Swaminathan
A snapshot of the work in progress for you. All your feedback is welcome. Click on the image below for a better view.
Apples and Glass #5 - Work in Progress
Copyright Nithya Swaminathan
I don’t want to number these paintings until they are completed. I know how confusing it can be to the reader, to keep seeing painting #x, stage #y over and over again. In my system, I know what number this painting is, so that’s enough. So yeah, this is one among the next four apple still lifes, and it is about 90% completed. I have completed the glass and the fruit behind. Some more work is pending on the fruits in the foreground, and the fabric. The shadows all look similar, I need to bring in some variation in them.
I am next planning to start a new series of still lifes with pears and some white fabric. I have so far done only one painting of pears, and I loved it. So I am eager to move on to the next series, and I hope to complete this ongoing series asap. Stay tuned.
In between the apples, I got to work on the landscape for sometime today. Here is an update on the same. I have defined the foliage in between the birch barks a little more so that the trees stand out clearly. I have also started some work on the rocks in the foreground.
Yesterday, I spent a lot of time downloading a fancy template for my blog and customizing it to my liking. It was then that I realized that there were a lot of tweaks to be done in the template, much more than what I had time for. It did not even have the feature to display the post categories. But the biggest drawback however, was that it had images in the background and was loading very slowly. So I decided to do away with all fancy templates and have gone back with gold old denim template of blogger. I have just customized the colors so that they look good with my new header. All your comments are welcome.
Here is a small update on the three new apple paintings. I have completed work on the fabric. The apples get their turn tomorrow.