January 2, 2015

30 in 30 challenge Day 2 - 30 things about me

Oil on Board, 6 by 6 inches
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30 Things about me #2 - I collect coffee mugs in pairs.
There is something about coffee mugs that I find them irresistible. I like buying them, always as a pair. I have never painted a coffee mug, this is my first ever painting of mugs. However, I buy them every now and then from flea markets and shops alike. The little one on top is an espresso cup and don't drink espresso ever. Just like having a big assortment of mugs around so that I can choose one depending on my mood.:) So if you are ever thinking of getting me a gift, you can't go wrong with a set of coffee mugs. :)

Credit for the title goes to my daughter. She walked into my room this morning, saw my setup and said that it was too cuppy but she liked it nevertheless. I thought that'd make a cool title :)

Please excuse the horrible quality of the image, it has been a very very grey day here today and I promise a better lit picture tomorrow. I have always admired Carol Marine and a lot of others who paint stacked cups. When I decided to try one today, I found myself struggling with the proportions and had to redo my drawing a couple of times. Though I have always admired paintings of stacked cups, I have all the more renewed respect for the artists today! 


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